Tagged: Debug

WiFi debugging Arduino UNO using ESP8266 with ESP-LINK 0

Remote WiFi debugging on Arduino Using ESP8266 (NodeMCU and ESP01) with ESP-LINK Firmware

Remote debugging is an essential feature for any embedded system, including Arduino-based projects. The ESP8266 WiFi module has gained popularity for such applications, especially when used with ESP-LINK firmware. This article aims to guide you through setting up an enhanced remote debugging environment using Arduino, ESP8266 (NodeMCU and ESP01), and ESP-LINK firmware.

WiFi remote debugging on Arduino UNO with DT-06 0

WiFi remote debugging of an Arduino with DT-06

We have already addressed the topic of remote wireless programming via Bluetooth of an Arduino UNO in our previous article titled “Arduino Remote/wireless Programming” however, thanks to the feedback and questions from our readers, we have decided to delve even deeper into this subject, exploring the possibilities that WiFi connectivity offers.