ESP-01S (esp8266): high-resolution pinout and specs
ESP-01S (esp8266): high-resolution pinout and specs
ESP-01S (esp8266): high-resolution pinout and specs
ESP-01 (esp8266): high-resolution pinout and specs
One most common need when you use IOT device with WIFI is the first connection attemp, It’s very tedious to hard code WIFI parameter, but a library allows you to connect your esp8266/esp32 to different Access Points (AP) without having to hard code and upload new code to your board. Additionally, you can also add custom parameters (variables) and manage multiple SSID connections with the WiFiManager library.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. CORS request, OPTION and POST.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. The CORS request tunnel, OPTION and GET verbs.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.
Microservices architecture is very popular for various reason, and It’s quite simple to implement with our microcontroller like esp32 or esp8266. Startup.
Library to use i2c pcf8574 IC with arduino, esp8266 and esp32.
This IC can control (until 8) digital devices like button or led with 2 only pins.
Here I explain the manage of multiple rotary encoder.
ESP-01 is low cost esp8266 module, with built-in WIFI.
It was created as Arduino WIFI module, but It’s more powerful than an Arduino, than now if you need a little module to control a relay or some simple digital datalogger It’s the best solution.