Monthly Archive: July 2022

LoRa E32 E22 ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 v2.2 milled pcb assembled 0

ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 EByte LoRa E32, E22 and E220 shield

I’m going to publish my LoRa shield for WeMos LOLIN32. This is one of my favorite microcontrollers, and until now, I have been using a simplified version of shield for rapid prototyping, but in the end, I created a more complete version, and I share it with everyone.

LoRa wireless remote water tank and pump controller (esp8266) Client case assembling 0

LoRa remote water level and pump controller (ReWaL): assemble client and 3D printed case – 7

I must fill a tank 1.5 km away, so I create a 2-part controller.
A server with a relay to manage the pump and a client solar/battery-powered to check the tank’s status and notify to the server.

Now we put all the Client components in the relative Case.