Monthly Archive: October 2023

Ebyte LoRa E32 & MicroPython: exploring library 0

Ebyte LoRa E32 & MicroPython: exploring library – 2

The Ebyte LoRa E32 library is a comprehensive tool designed to facilitate seamless communication with LoRa wireless modules. Developed for programmers and tech enthusiasts alike, the library enables a smooth interfacing with Ebyte’s LoRa E32 devices using MicroPython, a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language.

STM32 power saving: RTC backup register and SRAM preservation 0

STM32 power saving: RTC backup register and SRAM preservation – 9

In this article, we finally delve into the backup domain, a crucial step towards resolving the issue of state preservation across sleep modes. We initiate with a comprehensive exploration of the RTC backup registry, subsequently moving onto an analysis of the backup mechanisms for SRAM memory.

STM32 power saving: backup domain intro, and variable preservation across reset

STM32 power saving: backup domain intro and variable preservation across reset – 8

Another important element of STM32 is the backup domain. After a brief introduction to the topic, we will evaluate and test the standard solution for RESET, namely the use of variables in the “noinit” and “persistent” memory areas, a very interesting management. And we will write some simple functions to check the features of our devices.