WeAct STM32F411CEU6 Black-Pill: high-resolution pinout and specs
WeAct STM32F411CEU6 high-resolution pinout and specs
WeAct STM32F411CEU6 high-resolution pinout and specs
WeAct STM32F401CCU6 high-resolution pinout and specs
Navigating the STM32 world is more complicated than other microcontrollers, one of the reasons is that it is an extremely large world and there are many options for both software and hardware.
In this tutorial we try to create a path to follow to reach a good knowledge of these devices.
Let’s start with the famous STM32 Blue Pill, let’s see how to program it and the basic features.
STM32F103C6T6 high-resolution pinout and specs
STM32F103C8T6 high-resolution pinout and specs
Library to use i2c pcf8574 IC with arduino and esp8266.
This IC can control (until 8) digital devices like button or led with 2 only pins.
Can read and write digital value with only 2 wire (perfect for ESP-01).
I try to simplify the use of this IC, with a minimal set of operation.