Monthly Archive: August 2023

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using PyCharm IDE 0

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using PyCharm IDE – 3

Here is a beginner’s guide to MicroPython development on the ESP8266 and ESP32 boards using PyCharm IDE. It covers the basics of MicroPython, firmware flashing, and how to set up PyCharm for remote MicroPython development. Additionally, the article includes an example project that demonstrates how to control an LED using MicroPython code.

STM32 power saving: intro and Arduino vs STM framework 0

STM32 power saving: intro and Arduino vs STM framework – 3

In a remote device, one important feature can be the power consumption, and like other devices, STM32 allows a set of Low Power states.
In the Arduino framework, these states are wrapped and simplified to allow the most straightforward management, but we will look at the original state of STM32 to better understand the test results.

MicroPython on Nucleo STM32, STM32F411CE, and STM32F401CC: flashing firmware and basic tools 0

MicroPython on Nucleo STM32, STM32F411CE, and STM32F401CC: flashing firmware and basic tools

Microcontrollers, the core of many embedded systems, have evolved from being programmed with low-level languages like Assembly or C to more accessible high-level languages like Python. MicroPython, a streamlined Python 3 implementation, is a prime example. This article explores the integration of MicroPython with the cost-effective, high-potential STM32F4 microcontroller from STMicroelectronics, with a focus on the WeAct STM32F411CE, STM32F401CC, and Nucleo board.