12 Search results

For the term "Wio".

Error compiling Wio_terminal_SdFat code in Arduino IDE.

Hey Renzo !!!, I am using SEEED SAMD Board v1.8.5 (Seeeduino wio terminal ) and I want to run SimpleFTPServer on it. I am running the given example code(wio_termianl_SdFat) in Arduino IDE . My...

Error while compiling Wio_terminal_SdFat code in Arduino IDE

Hey Renzo!!!, I am using SEEED SAMD Board v1.8.5 (Seeeduino wio terminal ) and I want to run SimpleFTPServer on it . I am running the given example code (Wio_terminal_SdFat) in Arduino IDE ....

Can’t get PCF8574 lib working on Wio Terminal

Hello again @xreef, thank you for providing this library. I’m just trying to get the PCF8574 library working with Seeed Wio Terminal, but it doesn’t work ( doesn’t return from pcf8574.begin() ). I have...

ESP32 OTA update with Web Browser: custom web interface 0

ESP32 OTA update with Web Browser: custom web interface – 3

This tutorial explores how to implement OTA updates on an ESP32 using a web browser as a custom interface. We will create a custom web interface using HTML and JavaScript to upload firmware files to the ESP32, and then use the ESP32’s OTA update feature to install the new firmware. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a solid understanding of how to use OTA updates to keep your ESP32 devices up-to-date with the latest firmware.