Category: Software

WiFi debugging Arduino UNO using ESP8266 with ESP-LINK 0

Remote WiFi debugging on Arduino Using ESP8266 (NodeMCU and ESP01) with ESP-LINK Firmware

Remote debugging is an essential feature for any embedded system, including Arduino-based projects. The ESP8266 WiFi module has gained popularity for such applications, especially when used with ESP-LINK firmware. This article aims to guide you through setting up an enhanced remote debugging environment using Arduino, ESP8266 (NodeMCU and ESP01), and ESP-LINK firmware.

Programming Arduino UNO via WiFi with ESP8266 2

Introduction to Remote Programming of Arduino UNO via WiFi with ESP8266

This article will guide you through the methodology of remotely programming an Arduino UNO using ESP8266 modules, specifically focusing on NodeMCU and ESP01, utilizing the ESP-Link firmware. This firmware acts as a bridge, enabling WiFi and serial communication, thereby changing the way we interact with microcontroller boards like the Arduino UNO through ESP8266.

FTP Server on STM32 with ethernet card and SD card or SPI Flash 0

FTP server on STM32 with w5500, enc28j60, SD Card, and SPI Flash

Implementing an FTP server on an STM32 involves integrating the W5500 Ethernet module, ENC28J60 Ethernet controller, SD Card, and SPI Flash. This setup enables efficient network communication and storage, allowing the STM32 to handle file transfers and manage data effectively in embedded systems.

Send email with attachments STM32 boards Gmail SSL 0

STM32 send emails with attachments and SSL (like Gmail): w5500, enc28j60, SD, and SPI Fash

This guide demonstrates how to send emails with attachments from STM32 microcontrollers using SSL encryption, like Gmail. It covers using w5500 and enc28j60 for network connectivity and SD cards and SPI Flash for storage. With detailed setup instructions and coding examples, it enables secure email communication in STM32-based projects.

WiFi remote debugging on Arduino UNO with DT-06 0

WiFi remote debugging of an Arduino with DT-06

We have already addressed the topic of remote wireless programming via Bluetooth of an Arduino UNO in our previous article titled “Arduino Remote/wireless Programming” however, thanks to the feedback and questions from our readers, we have decided to delve even deeper into this subject, exploring the possibilities that WiFi connectivity offers.

ESP32 firmware and filesystem update with FTP client 2

ESP32 firmware and filesystem update with FTP client – 2

Welcome to the final article in our ESP32 firmware and OTA update management series. Today, we’ll explore using an FTP client to update the firmware and filesystem on an ESP32 device. Join us as we delve into this last technique, equipping you with valuable insights for managing updates on your ESP32 projects.