Tagged: Storage devices

RasPad 3: transform your Raspberry Pi into a versatile tablet with multi OS boot 0

RasPad 3: transform your Raspberry Pi into a versatile tablet with multi-OS boot

The article provides an overview of the SunFounder RasPad 3, a device that converts a Raspberry Pi into a versatile tablet. It covers the assembly process, including integrating a Raspberry Pi 4 and an M2. SSD. The guide concludes with instructions for setting up a multi-boot system using PINN, allowing users to alternate between various operating systems for different applications.

STM32 SPI Flash memory storage 19

STM32: add SPI flash memory with FAT FS

The first SMT32 prototype boards don’t have an embedded SPI Flash, but the latest, like the WeAct STM32F4 board, has a footprint to add It. And for me, It’s very useful. The only problem Is that this Core doesn’t have a native library, so we will use the Adafruit one.

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: integrated LittleFS filesystem 6

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: integrated LittleFS filesystem – 2

We continue to explore the rp2040 devices, very interesting microcontrollers. All prototype boards come with integrated SPI Flash. Raspberry Pi selected the LittleFS filesystem to manage this storage, a good compromise between functionality and performance.