STM32: programming (STM32F1 STM32F4) via USB with HID boot-loader – 3
We’ll learn how to add HID bootloader to our STM32 device. This bootloader is driverless (no USB drivers needed, even on Windows) for STM32F10x and STM32F4xx devices.
We’ll learn how to add HID bootloader to our STM32 device. This bootloader is driverless (no USB drivers needed, even on Windows) for STM32F10x and STM32F4xx devices.
STM32duino-bootloader is created for STM32F103 boards to use with the Arduino_Core_STM32 repo and the Arduino IDE; very useful to program the microcontroller directly via USB.
Navigating the STM32 world is more complicated than other microcontrollers, one of the reasons is that it is an extremely large world and there are many options for both software and hardware.
In this tutorial we try to create a path to follow to reach a good knowledge of these devices.
Let’s start with the famous STM32 Blue Pill, let’s see how to program it and the basic features.
STM32F103C6T6 high-resolution pinout and specs
STM32F103C8T6 high-resolution pinout and specs
Arduino NANO 33 IoT high resolution pinout and specs
I want to modify the WiFi module firmware of my FlyingBear Ghost 5 to support the Web Socket protocol and I want to develop the web interface as well.
Now we are going to analyze the changes I made to the original MKS WiFi module, with the introduction of Web Socket and some little features to develop Web interface and debug.
DOIT ESP32 DEV KIT v1: high resolution draw of pinout and specs
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program, and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going to create gcode and show the milling process.
FlatCAM is a program for preparing CNC jobs for making PCBs on a CNC router. Among other things, it can take a Gerber file generated by your favorite PCB CAD program and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
Here we are going mill contour.