Category: Tutorial

BNO055: ESP32, esp8266, rp2040, stm32, and Arduino wiring and Bosch library 0

BNO055 for esp32, esp8266, and Arduino: wiring and advanced Bosch library – 2

This is the second article on bno055. If you need basic management, you can refer to the previous article “BNO055 accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and orientation software”, but if you need advanced management (and more complex) with interrupt, you must read this article also.

BNO055 accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and orientation software 0

BNO055 accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer with basic Adafruit library – 1

We are going to discover BNO055, a triaxial accelerometer, a triaxial gyroscope, and a triaxial geomagnetic sensor with a 32-bit cortex M0+ microcontroller in a single package.
In this first chapter, we start a basic usage.

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: integrated LittleFS filesystem 6

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: integrated LittleFS filesystem – 2

We continue to explore the rp2040 devices, very interesting microcontrollers. All prototype boards come with integrated SPI Flash. Raspberry Pi selected the LittleFS filesystem to manage this storage, a good compromise between functionality and performance.