Arduino NANO 33 IoT SPI Flash memory shield
As for other microcontrollers, I want to simplify the use of SPI Flash memory to Arduino NANO 33 IoT, so I create a simple PCB shield to add it fastest.
As for other microcontrollers, I want to simplify the use of SPI Flash memory to Arduino NANO 33 IoT, so I create a simple PCB shield to add it fastest.
Arduino SAMD devices don’t have an internal SPI flash memory, but it is clear that a fast and small memory like that can be very useful, so we are to talk again (and again and again and again…) about storage systems.
We are going to discover BNO055, a triaxial accelerometer, a triaxial gyroscope, and a triaxial geomagnetic sensor with a 32-bit cortex M0+ microcontroller in a single package.
In this first chapter, we start a basic usage.
We continue to explore the rp2040 devices, very interesting microcontrollers. All prototype boards come with integrated SPI Flash. Raspberry Pi selected the LittleFS filesystem to manage this storage, a good compromise between functionality and performance.
It’s time to explore the new series of microcontrollers based on the rp2040 chip from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. As usual, we are going to use a generic Arduino IDE and C language.
WeAct Studio rp2040: high-resolution pinout and specs
Waveshare rp2040-zero: high-resolution pinout and specs
Raspberry Pi Pico W: high-resolution pinout and specs
Raspberry Pi Pico: high-resolution pinout and specs
We have already looked at how to add a wiring connection to an STM32, but sometimes the only solution can be a Wireless or WiFi connection, and in this article we are going to see how to manage a complete WiFi solution.