Category: SPI

BNO055 accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and orientation software 0

BNO055 accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer with basic Adafruit library – 1

We are going to discover BNO055, a triaxial accelerometer, a triaxial gyroscope, and a triaxial geomagnetic sensor with a 32-bit cortex M0+ microcontroller in a single package.
In this first chapter, we start a basic usage.

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: integrated LittleFS filesystem 6

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: integrated LittleFS filesystem – 2

We continue to explore the rp2040 devices, very interesting microcontrollers. All prototype boards come with integrated SPI Flash. Raspberry Pi selected the LittleFS filesystem to manage this storage, a good compromise between functionality and performance.

i2c vs SPI vs UART comparison speed distance complexity 0

i2c, SPI and UART compared

I2C, SPI, and UART are protocols that we encounter all the time in this world, but why do we need all these protocols to interconnect external peripherals? Well! The answer is simple because there are many needs to be met, and each protocol has a well-defined scope.

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline Storage devices 0

ABB Aurora Web Inverter Monitor (WIM): Storage devices – 3

I would like to monitor the status of my ABB Aurora inverter (formerly Power One now Fimer). So with a WeMos D1 mini I create a monitoring station with web interface, notifications and more.
Where are we store the data and html page?? In this article the solution.


FTP server on esp8266 and esp32

For static information (Web pages for examples), that not change frequently, esp8266 or esp32 have internal SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System) and you can upload data via Arduino IDE as explained in the article “WeMos D1 mini (esp8266), integrated SPIFFS Filesystem” but for fast operation and future support It’s usefully use FTP.

How to use SD Card Adapter esp8266 and Arduino 8

How to use SD card with esp8266 and Arduino – 1

When you use a microcontroller an important features is store data, for logging or setting, for a web server or to show image. The better solution is an SD card, because It’s simple, small and low power device.
Now we are going to look how to connect and use with standard SD library with Arduino and esp8266.