Category: Tutorial

STM32F4 black pill power saving: manage clock frequencies 0

STM32 Power saving: STM32F4 black-pill manages clock and frequencies – 2

An essential factor of our micro-controllers is power consumption. As usual, I started to analyze that aspect without entering the detail for sleep mode but with some alternative solutions offered by the micro controller.
Now we are going to examine the management of clock frequencies of STM32F4 series.

STM32F1 blue pill power saving: manage clock frequencies 0

STM32 power saving: STM32F1 blue-pill manages clock and frequencies – 1

Mastering clock source and frequency management is vital in STM32 development. The STM32F1, or “Blue Pill,” provides several options to balance device performance and power saving. The STM32F1 sources its clock from an internal RC oscillator (HSI), an external crystal oscillator (HSE), or a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) that can amplify the HSI or HSE for higher frequencies. By carefully choosing and setting up these clock sources, you can greatly optimize your device’s power consumption.

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using Thonny IDE 0

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using Thonny IDE – 2

Here an article that provides a step-by-step guide for getting started with MicroPython development on the ESP8266 and ESP32 boards using the Thonny IDE. The article covers how to flash MicroPython firmware onto the board and how to connect to the board using Thonny’s MicroPython plugin. Additionally, the article includes an example project that demonstrates how to control an LED connected to the board using MicroPython code.

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and using standard tools 0

MicroPython with esp8266 and esp32: flashing firmware and programming with basic tools – 1

This guide focuses on using MicroPython with ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers, two popular choices for IoT and embedded systems. By understanding the standard instruments available with MicroPython, such as Python, esptool, ampy, PuTTY, and screen, you can quickly and easily build projects for these powerful devices. This guide will provide an overview of each tool and how to use them effectively, so you can take full advantage of the capabilities of your ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller.

STM32F4 black pill EByte LoRa Exx 0

Unleashing IoT Potential: Integrating STM32F4 Black-Pill with EByte LoRa E32, E22, and E220 Shield

The STM32F4 Black-Pill, a powerful and versatile microcontroller, offers promising potential for IoT applications when integrated with LoRa modules like EByte’s E32, E22, and E220. In this article, we’ll examine the Shield I use for rapid prototyping that supports all the LoRa modules described.

STM32F1 blue pill EByte LoRa Exx shield 2

Unleashing IoT Potential: Integrating STM32F1 Blue-Pill with EByte LoRa E32, E22, and E220 Shields

The Internet of Things (IoT) landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, leading to an increased demand for robust and scalable communication technologies. LoRa, or Long Range, is one such technology that has gained significant traction in recent years. In this article, we will delve into the integration of STM32F1 Blue-Pill, a highly capable microcontroller, with EByte LoRa E32, E22, and E220 shield modules, which are popular for long-range, low-power applications.

I start using STM32 microcontrollers, and I find they are of superior quality. But I need a prototyping board to do my work faster.

STM32: internal RTC clock and battery backup (VBAT) 6

STM32: internal RTC, clock and battery backup (VBAT)

In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of the STM32’s internal RTC and its associated clock system. We will also discuss the importance and implementation of battery backup (VBAT) in ensuring the accurate and uninterrupted operation of the RTC. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or a beginner looking to broaden your knowledge, this article aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of these key STM32 features, allowing you to unlock the full potential of your embedded systems.

ESP32 firmware and filesystem update with FTP client 2

ESP32 firmware and filesystem update with FTP client – 2

Welcome to the final article in our ESP32 firmware and OTA update management series. Today, we’ll explore using an FTP client to update the firmware and filesystem on an ESP32 device. Join us as we delve into this last technique, equipping you with valuable insights for managing updates on your ESP32 projects.

ESP32 firmware and filesystem update from SD card 4

ESP32 firmware and filesystem update from SD card – 1

In this article, we explore a non-standard but effective method for updating ESP32 firmware and filesystem using an SD card. We’ll discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and provide a step-by-step guide for implementing this technique, building on knowledge from previous articles in our firmware management series.