Category: Tutorial

Raspberry Pi Pico W rp2040 how to use SD card 6

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: how to use SD card – 5

We have already talked about the internal flash memories for rp2040 boards and other microcontrollers, which are very useful for storing pages or static files. However, they are not suitable for logging or similar applications, so we will learn how to connect and use an SD card which can have a lot of space, a very small form factor, and low power consumption.

Raspberry Pi Pico, and other rp2040 boards: WiFiNINA with ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor 0

Raspberry Pi Pico, and other rp2040 boards: WiFiNINA with ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor

Even though Raspberry Pi Foundation has released the Pico W version, I still find this tutorial useful for adding WiFi to rp2040 boards using an ESP32.
We will use an esp32-wroom-32 (or esp32-s) as WiFi coprocessor and the full potential WiFiNINA library to handle it.

Arduino MKR SAMD i2c protocol network additional SERCOM address scanner 0

i2c Arduino SAMD MKR: additional interface SERCOM, network and address scanner

I love the I2C protocol, and when I need a sensor, every time I try to find one with this protocol, I have also written some libraries for various sensors that use I2C.
In this article, we will learn I2C basics, analyze the Arduino SAMD MKR management, add interfaces with SERCOM, and create a heterogeneous network.

STM32 SPI Flash memory storage 19

STM32: add SPI flash memory with FAT FS

The first SMT32 prototype boards don’t have an embedded SPI Flash, but the latest, like the WeAct STM32F4 board, has a footprint to add It. And for me, It’s very useful. The only problem Is that this Core doesn’t have a native library, so we will use the Adafruit one.