Renzo Mischianti Articles

ESP32 OTA update with Web Browser: HTTPS (SSL/TLS) and self signed certificate 0

ESP32 OTA update with Web Browser: upload in HTTPS (SSL/TLS) with self-signed certificate – 2

In this article, we will explore how to perform OTA updates on the ESP32 using a web browser and HTTPS protocol with a self-signed certificate. HTTPS provides a secure way to transfer data over the internet and is essential for any OTA update process that involves sensitive information. A self-signed certificate can be used to provide encryption and authentication without the need for a third-party certificate authority, making it a cost-effective solution for small-scale projects. By the end of this article, you will have a working OTA update process for your ESP32 project that uses HTTPS protocol and a self-signed certificate.

ESP32 OTA update with Web Browser: firmware, filesystem, and authentication 6

ESP32 OTA update with Web Browser: firmware, filesystem and authentication – 1

In this article series, we will explore how to perform an OTA update on the ESP32 microcontroller using a web browser with and without basic authentication. We will cover firmware update, filesystem update, and authentication, providing practical examples and code snippets along the way.

ESP32 OTA update with Arduino IDE: filesystem, firmware and password 0

ESP32 OTA update with Arduino IDE: filesystem, firmware, and password

One of the most important features of the ESP32 is the ability to perform over-the-air (OTA) updates, which allows developers to remotely update the firmware of the device without the need for physical access.

In this article, we will explore how to perform an OTA update on an ESP32 using the Arduino IDE. We will cover the entire process, including updating the filesystem and firmware, as well as securing the OTA update with a password.

ESP32: compiled binary (.hex) with command line and GUI tool 3

ESP32: flash compiled firmware and filesystem (.bin) with GUI tools – 2

The ESP32 boasts a crucial capability that streamlines the sharing of firmware, which most manufacturers widely utilize. This capability involves creating a pre-compiled binary file containing the sketch portion (or filesystem). In this article, we will create a binary file for the filesystem and proceed to flash the ESP32 using the Espressif Download Tool.

Raspberry Pi Pico W rp2040 how to use SD card 6

Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: how to use SD card – 5

We have already talked about the internal flash memories for rp2040 boards and other microcontrollers, which are very useful for storing pages or static files. However, they are not suitable for logging or similar applications, so we will learn how to connect and use an SD card which can have a lot of space, a very small form factor, and low power consumption.