ESP32 WeMos LOLIN D32 high resolution pinout and specs
ESP32 WeMos LOLIN D32 high resolution pinout and specs
ESP32 WeMos LOLIN D32 high resolution pinout and specs
In this article, we are going to integrate into our ESP32 or esp8266 an external flash memory in addition to the internal one.
Even though Raspberry Pi Foundation has released the Pico W version, I still find this tutorial useful for adding WiFi to rp2040 boards using an ESP32.
We will use an esp32-wroom-32 (or esp32-s) as WiFi coprocessor and the full potential WiFiNINA library to handle it.
Whoever has started to peek into the wonderful world of small electronics will undoubtedly have read about Raspberry Pi or Arduino boards. This is where I personally started to ask myself, what is the right board for which project?
enc28j60 is one of the cheapest device for wired connections; in this article, we’ll learn how to manage this device for plain and SSL connection with our ESP32
Many people ask me for some examples of wired connections; in my mind, the first thing I thought of is the w5500 device, one of the most famous and powerful. We’ll start to learn how to manage plain and SSL requests.
For me, It’s very important the network connection and network limitation on STM32F1 It’s very tedious. Adafruit offers a solution, but I think that a shield It’s more usable.
The sensor GY-273 QMC5883L clone HMC5883L magnetometer for Arduino, esp8266, and esp32 is cheap and reasonably precise but needs some check for the clone version.
We have already looked at how to add a wiring connection to an STM32, but sometimes the only solution can be a Wireless or WiFi connection, and in this article we are going to see how to manage a complete WiFi solution.
The ADXL345 is a small, thin, ultralow power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit) measurement at up to ±16 g. This device works with i2c and SPI protocol and Is suitable with Arduino, esp8266, stm32, and esp32.