Tagged: WiFi

LineaMeteoStazione The Personalized WiFi Weather Station using ESP32 ESP8266 and Attiny85 0

LineaMeteoStazione: The Personalized WiFi Weather Station using ESP32, ESP8266 and Attiny85 with OTA – 4

LineaMeteoStazione is a complete weather station solar powered which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as well as some Davis Instrument components (Rain Gauge, Anemometer) It also can be interfaced with a...

esp8266 OTA update with Arduino IDE: filesystem, signed and password 0

esp8266 OTA updates with Arduino IDE: filesystem, signed and password

OTA (Over the Air) update is the process of uploading firmware to an ESP module using a Wi-Fi connection rather than a serial port. Such functionality becomes extremely useful in case of limited or no physical access to the module.
In this article we are going to see the OTA updates with the Arduino IDE, firmware, filesystem, signed and unsigned.


How to manage dynamic WIFI configuration on esp8266 or esp32

One most common need when you use IOT device with WIFI is the first connection attemp, It’s very tedious to hard code WIFI parameter, but a library allows you to connect your esp8266/esp32 to different Access Points (AP) without having to hard code and upload new code to your board. Additionally, you can also add custom parameters (variables) and manage multiple SSID connections with the WiFiManager library.