Category: Electronic

Makerbase MKS wifi firmware upgrade mischianti 28

MKS WIFI for Makerbase Robin: firmware upgrade and new Web Socket features – 4

I want to modify the WiFi module firmware of my FlyingBear Ghost 5 to support the Web Socket protocol and I want to develop the web interface as well.
Now we are going to analyze the changes I made to the original MKS WiFi module, with the introduction of Web Socket and some little features to develop Web interface and debug.

Makerbase MKS wifi protocol communication and cura plugin 0

MKS WIFI for Makerbase Robin: communication protocol and Cura plugin – 3

I want to modify the WiFi module firmware of my FlyingBear Ghost 5 to support the Web Socket protocol and I want to develop the web interface as well.
In this article I explain how the Makerbase develop the communication protocol via TCP messages and a little introduction to MKS WiFi plugin for Cura.

Makerbase MKS wifi module upload flash compile pcb 14

MKS WIFI for Makerbase Robin: PCB and how to compile & upload firmware – 2

I want to modify the WiFi module firmware of my FlyingBear Ghost 5 to support the Web Socket protocol and I want to develop the web interface as well.
Here I’d like to explain what is the MKS WiFi module how to program and how to connect a device that can be used like WiFi module alternative.

Makerbase MKS Robin Nano wifi module wiring 10

MKS WIFI for Makerbase Robin: boards and how to wiring esp12 & NodeMCU – 1

I want to modify the WiFi module firmware of my FlyingBear Ghost 5 to support the Web Socket protocol and I want to develop the web interface as well.
In this article I would like to say a few things about the Makerbase Robin Nano board hardware and interfacing with the WiFi module.

esp8266 OTA update with Arduino IDE: filesystem, signed and password 0

esp8266 OTA updates with Arduino IDE: filesystem, signed and password

OTA (Over the Air) update is the process of uploading firmware to an ESP module using a Wi-Fi connection rather than a serial port. Such functionality becomes extremely useful in case of limited or no physical access to the module.
In this article we are going to see the OTA updates with the Arduino IDE, firmware, filesystem, signed and unsigned.