Raspberry Pi Pico: high-resolution pinout and specs

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Raspberry Pi Pico high resolution pinout image

Here my selection of rp2040 devices Official Pi Pico - Official Pi Pico W - Waveshare rp2040-zero - WeAct Studio rp2040


Power Pins

  • VBUS – micro-USB input voltage
  • VSYS – main system input voltage
  • 3V3 – regulated 3.3V output, 300mA max
  • GND – main ground reference
  • AGND – ground reference for GP26-29 and ADC0 and ADC1


  • GP0 to GP28 – General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) as well as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

I2C Pins

  • SCL0 – I2C port 0 clock
  • SDA0 – I2C port 0 data
  • SCL1 – I2C port 1 clock
  • SDA1 – IC2 port 1 data

SPI Pins

  • SCLK0 – SPI port 0 clock
  • MOSI0 – SPI port 0 data out
  • MISO0 – SPI port 0 data in
  • SCLK1 – SPI port 1 clock
  • MOSI1 – SPI port 1 data out
  • MISO1 – SPI port 1 data in

ADC Pins

  • ADC0 – Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) 0
  • ADC1 – Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) 1
  • ADC2 – Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) 2


Raspberry Pi Pico has been designed to be a low-cost yet flexible development platform for RP2040, with the following key features:

  • Dual-core cortex M0+ at up to 133MHz
    • On-chip PLL allows variable core frequency
  • 264kB multi-bank high-performance SRAM
  • External Quad-SPI Flash with eXecute In Place (XIP) and 16kB on-chip cache
  • High-performance full-crossbar bus fabric
  • On-board USB1.1 (device or host)
  • 30 multi-function General Purpose IO (4 can be used for ADC)
    • 1.8-3.3V IO Voltage (NOTE Pico IO voltage is fixed at 3.3V)
  • 12-bit 500ksps Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Various digital peripherals
    • 2 × UART, 2 × I2C, 2 × SPI, 16 × PWM channels
    • 1 × Timer with 4 alarms, 1 × Real Time Counter
  • 2 × Programmable IO (PIO) blocks, 8 state machines total
    • Flexible, user-programmable high-speed IO
    • Can emulate interfaces such as SD Card and VGA
  • RP2040 microcontroller with 2MB Flash
  • Micro-USB B port for power and data (and for reprogramming the Flash)
  • 40 pin 21×51 ‘DIP’ style 1mm thick PCB with 0.1″ through-hole pins also with edge castellations
    • Exposes 26 multi-function 3.3V General Purpose I/O (GPIO)
    • 23 GPIO are digital-only, and three are ADC capable
    • It can be surface mounted as a module
  • 3-pin ARM Serial Wire Debug (SWD) port
  • Simple yet highly flexible power supply architecture
    • Various options for easily powering the unit from micro-USB, external supplies, or batteries

How to

  1. Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: pinout, specs, and Arduino IDE configuration
  2. Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: integrated LittleFS filesystem
  3. Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 board: ethernet w5500 with plain (HTTP) and SSL (HTTPS) requests
  4. Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: WiFiNINA with ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor
  5. Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards: how to use SD card
  6. Dallas ds18b20
  7. Connecting the EByte E70 to Raspberry Pi Pico (rp2040) devices and a simple sketch example

Datasheet and schema

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