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Hello, I wanted to put this topic instead in the “mischiant’s library” section, but I did not succeed. So as my program runs on Arduino Mega and Shield Ethernet W5100 and W5500 … (Even if this has nothing to do with my question!)
I use the following code to configure the sender of the mails:
String numRuche="2";
String expediteur = “Ruche N °”+ numRuche;
uint16_t SMTP_PORT = 587;
const char* smtp_server = “smtp.laposte.net”;
const char* email_login = “mon mail@laposte.net”;
const char* email_from = “monmail@laposte.net”;
const char* name_from =expediteur.c_str();
const char* email_password = “password”;
EMailSender emailSend(email_login,email_password,email_from,name_from,smtp_server,SMTP_PORT);
Sending email works well, but the ° symbol is not displayed correctly according to the messaging I get (with windows live mail for example) sender Ruche N
With Orange messaging a symbol other than the ° (see screenshots)
How can I display the ° symbol in the sender name of emails?
Thank you
PS: I can’t find how to send an image (screenshot I’m sending this to your orange messenger … sorry
thanks again
Hi Gilles,
I think that ° isn’t a character UTF-8, but I set UTF-8 encoding.
Bye Renzo
The degree sign exists in UTF 8: Degree sign ° & # 176;
If I’m not mistaken…
Someone would know how to make it appear in the string of the character of the sender of an email?
Thank you
Hi Gilles,
I must check if I must add encoding on subject.
Bye Renzo
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