Tagged: ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32

The Wemos LoLin32 is a development board built around the Espressif ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller. It boasts 4MB of memory and offers WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. The Wemos LoLin32 has the particularity to propose a connector for LiPo battery. The connector is JST XH2-2.54mm. It has a key that prevents reverse polarity. Charging the battery and programming will be done using the usual micro-USB connector.

LoRa E32 E22 ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 v2.2 milled pcb assembled 0

ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 EByte LoRa E32, E22 and E220 shield

I’m going to publish my LoRa shield for WeMos LOLIN32. This is one of my favorite microcontrollers, and until now, I have been using a simplified version of shield for rapid prototyping, but in the end, I created a more complete version, and I share it with everyone.

ESP32 practical power saving manage WiFi sleep and CPU frequency 27

ESP32 practical power saving: manage WiFi and CPU – 1

The ESP32 is capable to activate the energy saving modes of light sleep and deep sleep, but in many cases we cannot use such a solution, but it is still possible to apply some options to the functional units for reducing energy consumption.
Let’s set the sleep mode, disable the WiFi and scale the frequency to the CPU.